Databaseof best programsfor future philosophers
Redesigning The Philosophical Gourmet, an online resource portal for Graduate Programs in Philosophy
The Philosophical Gourmet is a resource center for future students and philosophers. The online portal provides a high-quality, professional ranking of philosophical Ph.D. programs is the English Speaking world, carefully generated by reliable editors in the field, as well as additional information that is valuable for future students.
The goal of the redesign was to empower the online experience while considering technical requirements and constraints. The redesign looked to improve and enhance overall navigation and structure, as well as enhancing the visual representation and layout of the ranking reports.

Effortless reading experience
Understanding the best program, considering the various variable and criteria, can be overwhelming and confusing. The design enhancements aimed to lay out all the necessary information and data at the same time connecting you to all the additional content that may be relevant to you.
Comprehensive rankings of various criteria
Information regarding applying to grad and undergrads
Background on the editors
Access to current and past rankings

EnhancedInformation Architectureand Visual Representation
Crystal clear representation of the complex rankings
Containing all the resources and information necessary for your best program

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